Monday, July 25, 2011

30 Days to a Better Blogger

Didn't think I was coming back, didja?

I am pleased to announce that I have officially moved to La-La Land, and will no longer be commuting to Orange County for 2-3 hours a day, and will therefore have time to tend to my bloggie baby.  

One of my friends informed me that I was blogging less now than when I didn't live in LA, and I have to say that he is right.  This is annoying and dumb and must be rectified immediately.

Therefore, I have chosen to embark on the "30 Day Blogger Challenge." I credit my friend Alex Butts for this idea and inspiration, and I am totally not sure if I can do it.  Given my track record, it's looking like a stretch. Heck- at this point, two days is looking like a stretch.

I will persevere, however, jump back on this bandwagon, take life by the reigns, and carpe diem

Like, every diem.  

This is what we have to look forward to... Get ready for Day 23, it could get a bit melodramatic.

Day 0: The 30 Day Challenge Explanation and Description
Day 1: Introduce, recent picture of yourself, 15 interesting facts
Day 2: Meaning behind your blog name
Day 3: Your first love
Day 4: Your parents
Day 5: A song to match your mood
Day 6: A picture of something that makes you happy
Day 7: Favorite movies
Day 8: A place you've traveled to
Day 9: A favorite picture of your best friend
Day 10: Something you're afraid of
Day 11: Favorite TV shows
Day 12: Something you don't leave the house without
Day 13: Goals
Day 14: A picture of you last year - how have you changed?
Day 15: Bible verse
Day 16: Dream house
Day 17: Something you're looking forward to
Day 18: Favorite Place to Eat
Day 19: Something you miss
Day 20: Nicknames
Day 21: Favorite Picture of yourself ALL TIME Why? 

Day 22: What's in your purse? 
Day 23: Favorite Movie 
Day 24: Something you've learned 
Day 25: Put your iPod on shuffle, first 10 songs
Day 26: Your Dream Wedding
Day 27: Original Photo of the city you live in
Day 28: Something that stresses you out
Day 29: 3 Wishes
Day 30: a picture of yourself this day and 5 good things that happened since you started the challenge

And now I simply must go to bed.  Er, go watch the season premiere of Entourage and then go to bed.   

A girl has to have her priorities, right?

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